It is the policy of Hockey Nova Scotia (HNS) that there shall be no abuse or bullying, whether physical, emotional or sexual of any participant in any of its programs. Hockey Nova Scotia and Hockey Canada expects every parent, volunteer and staff member to take all reasonable steps to safeguard the welfare of its participants and protect them from any form of maltreatment.
Further, HNS expects that no volunteer should experience abuse or bullying, whether physical, emotional or sexual as a result of any parent or guardian of a participant.
To ensure the safety and enjoyment of all players and volunteers, whether coach, assistant Coach, trainer, manager or administrator, this policy will strictly be adhered to.
- Membership Applications:
- During the registration process, each Member will be advised that the Dispute Resolution Policy is on the Hockey Nova Scotia Website and the Minor Hockey Association website.
- Should any Member cease to be in good standing, in order for the Membership to continue, the Member not in good standing will have to be replaced. In order to be approved the new/replacement Application must include payment of any outstanding fees, including any costs imposed under paragraph 8(b) of this Policy and and the pro-rata share (number of remaining complete weeks to March 31 divided by 22) for the basic local hockey association and for the new/replacement Application fee, also on a pro-rata basis. Provided these conditions are met the new/replacement Membership Application will automatically be approved and considered an extension of the original Application. As it relates to revocation or suspension of a Membership, no sanction against any player will be taken until at least 72 hours after notice is provided to a Member that they are not long in Good Standing. This time can allow time for the new/replacement Application to be submitted and processed.
- Associations will incorporate this Dispute Resolution Policy in either their Bylaws or Policies and Practices.
- Investigation Procedures:
At Association (MHA) Level:
- If, after a Proper Investigation by the Officers of the Association, a Member is found to have engaged in Inappropriate Conduct and thereby failed to comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Association, the Officers of the Association are empowered to:
- issue to the Member a letter of warning, or
- require the Member to participate in a mediation process (see Appendix A for options), or
- suspend the Member for up to 30 days, and/or (such suspension has no impact on the membership)
- where the Member has engaged, in particular, inappropriate physical and/or vocal behavior, restrict the Member’s privileges to attend games and/or practices at Association rinks, or team activities.
- The Member may appeal the findings and directives of the Association to HNS in accordance with HNS By-Laws.
- Nothing herein restricts the power of the Association to make a complaint to the police where the inappropriate behavior is deemed to be criminal.
- If a Member fails to comply with the terms of any suspension or restriction imposed under paragraph 5 or, the inappropriate conduct continues, the Association may request Hockey Nova Scotia to review the Member’s status.
At the Hockey Nova Scotia (HNS) Level:
- HNS agrees to make use of Protection of Property Agreements when/where appropriate.
- Should an Association request a review of a Member’s status or a Member appeals the findings of or sanctions imposed by the Association, Hockey Nova Scotia will attempt to resolve the matter with the Member and the Association through facilitating a meeting through either a mediator, restorative facilitator or the Executive Director of Hockey Nova Scotia. Hockey Nova Scotia will select the facilitation process and incur any upfront costs.
- Should an Association issue any type of sanction to the Member, which is not authorized under paragraph B.1. of this Policy, including removing the Player from play, the Member(s) may immediately request the Executive Director of Hockey Nova Scotia to remove the sanction and direct the Association to follow the procedures as contained within this Policy.
- Should the process in paragraph B.6. not result in an agreed resolution, Hockey Nova Scotia, through the Executive Director may:
- revoke any sanctions imposed by the Association for reasons, including and not limited to, the ground that a fair process was not followed prior to the Association deeming the Member exhibited Inappropriate Conduct;
- issue a further letter of warning against the Member, including the requirement of the Member to reimburse HNS for all of the costs associated with the efforts of HNS, as referred to in paragraph B.6. above, including the cost of the mediator, etc. to a maximum of $500. If this administrative fee is not paid by the Member within 14 days, the Membership is suspended and the Member is not a Member in good standing until such time as the administrative fee is paid.
- declare a full revocation of the Member’s Membership resulting in the membership not being in good standing. Revocation would be effective 72 hours from the time in which the decision was communicated to the Member at the address (including email address) provided by the Member at the time of registration.
- in the case of those having engaged in inappropriate physical and/or vocal behavior issue a Protection of Property Notice resulting in the Member being barred from all rinks used by Hockey Nova Scotia.
- Definitions:
Membership: is an approved Application (“Application”) with all of the individuals on the Application being in good standing with the Minor Hockey Association (“Association”).
Members: are the individuals listed on the approved membership Application, being in good standing with the Association. These persons include parents, guardians and the player.
Good Standing: a Member is in good standing until such time as the membership is
suspended or revoked.
Inappropriate Conduct: conduct unacceptable to the Association as determined by a
Discipline Committee, including but not limited to, inappropriate physical and/or vocal
abusive behavior or persistent harassment of volunteers within the Association.
Hockey Record: the written record of a Dispute Resolution meeting conducted by Hockey Nova Scotia